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Ministry of Finance


The Ministry of Finance (MoF) is specifically responsible for the management and execution of the budget, collection of taxes, organization and control of public expenditure and payments to the government and finally the management of Customs. Every government has to know the status of its revenues and expenditures, the management of its financial resources and to allocate them effectively.



Kabul University is the oldest and largest institution of tertiary education in Afghanistan. Throughout its long history since 1932 not only it has provided training to a large number of Afghans but had enjoyed popularity in the region by attracting many students from our neighboring countries.Kabul University (KU) had a rich culture, history, academic excellence and devastated by decades of wars and instabilities in Afghanistan.




Da Afghanistan Bank - Central Bank of Afghanistan


Central Bank of Afghanistan mission is to foster price Stability and build a robust financial system of Afghanistan. The vision of Da Afghanistan Bank is that of a monetary instituation which upholds international best practice in fostering price stability and a sound financial system conducive to macro-economic stability.

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