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Laird Digital Cinema | Digital Cinema Solutions


Laird is a manufacturer of precision Digital Cinema cables and interfaces for the most advanced technologies in the broadcast and pro-audio industry. Laird offers the largest collection of compatible cables and interface devices for the RED ONE Epic/Scarlet digital cinema cameras. RED ONE Epic/Scarlet equivalent cables manufactured by Laird include: Broadcast Cables, Command Cables, Lens Drive Cables, Power Cables and 3D Cables all designed to the highest professional standards.

Laird Digital Cinema | Digital Cinema Solutions


Laird is a manufacturer of precision Digital Cinema cables and interfaces for the most advanced technologies in the broadcast and pro-audio industry. Laird offers the largest collection of compatible cables and interface devices for the RED ONE Epic/Scarlet digital cinema cameras. RED ONE Epic/Scarlet equivalent cables manufactured by Laird include: Broadcast Cables, Command Cables, Lens Drive Cables, Power Cables and 3D Cables all designed to the highest professional standards.

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