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Northbound Leather


Founded in 1987. Northbound was the first retailer to bring leather and fetish apparel and accessories to a larger audience on a global scale when, in 1994, it began one of the world’s first retail web sites. Today we are Canada's premiere fetish and fashion house. You name it we make it everything from the exotic to the erotic. Custom tailored handcrafted garments that will survive years of use and abuse. Luxurious and kinky Leather Goods proudly made in Canada. Northbound has outfitted many acclaimed celebrities including: Carmen Carrera, Kreesha Turner, Tracy Melchor, Carole Pope, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Madonna, Enrique Iglesias, Sarah Brightman, Paris Hilton, in addition to stock brokers and club kids. Northbound events are filled with erotic and twisted fun. Stuff to inspire and create fantasy

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