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Platinum Professional Services


Welcome to Platinum Professional Services, where we offer straightforward, state-of-the-art courses to help you become an IRS or California Registered Tax Preparer, Notary Public, Enrolled Agent, or Certified Public Accountant. We also offer courses to complete your continuing professional education and prepare you for the IRS Competency Exam. Our courses are designed for busy people who want to simplify their education by immersing themselves in a subject matter at an affordable cost. Our courses feature immediate online grading and your Certificate of Completion and/or Proof of Completion (Notary) emailed to you immediately following the completion of the course. With Platinum Professional Services there is no confusion, only a direct path to success. Feel free to discover the most proficient way to deepen your education and be efficient all while saving you time and money. Why settle for higher costs, buying one unit at a time, or poor customer service? Here at Platinum Professional Services, we make it easy for you without any added obstacles. Everyone wants to simplify their life and finally, we have the way.

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