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A total of 5 sites are hosted on
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Makeup Obsessed Mom - a beauty & lifestyle blog


Makeup Obsessed Mom Blog is written by a mom who is obsessed with all things beauty. It's filled with reviews, swatches and tips about beauty products that this beauty addict has tried. From makeup and skincare to innovative tools and tricks, there's something here for everyone. Discoveries from low end drugstore beauty products to high end department store brands are reviewed on the blog. All posts are created and written by a middle aged mom who is on the search for the fountain of youth. Stop by to see which beauty products have been featured each day. With so much information in a single place there are sure to be products and advice on this beauty blog that are perfect for you.

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Small Business News & Resources from RISBJ


RI Small Business Journal

The Academy for Little ChildrenAcademy for Little Children


The Academy for Little Children is open to all children ages 6 weeks to 12 years including programs for Infants, Toddlers, Preschool and Pre-K

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