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ജന്മഭൂമി - Janmabhumi Daily


ജന്മഭൂമി മലയാളം ദേശീയ ദിനപത്രത്തിന്റെ ഓണ്‍ലൈന്‍ എഡിഷന്‍.

Ancient Warfare


Historical study isn't something that everyone immediately associates with modern technology. Karawansary wants to help change that - history doesn't always have to be printed on paper. We recognize the power of the web for conveying ideas, whether as a blog post or a podcast. And because we view dialogue and debate as critical to a full understanding of history, forums and social-networking sites like Facebook play a key role in our work. We know that there's more to a good read than just a gripping text. All of our books and magazines are of the highest possible quality: our bindings, paper and printing are always a cut above. We don't neglect the pictures either: both our books and magazines are richly illustrated not only with detailed photographs, but also with original drawings and paintings made just for us. Much of the latest research in the field of history is targeted at an academic audience and is often expensive, difficult to find and frustrating to read. Karawansary is dedicated to taking the newest ideas in historical studies and making them available to everyone through high-quality publications written by experts and academics for a casual but informed audience.

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Blackjack Champ - Blackjack Champ is a complete guide to online blackjack and mobile gambling, offering casino and game reviews, daily news, and blackjack guides.Blackjack Champ


Blackjack Champ is a complete guide to online blackjack and mobile gambling, offering casino and game reviews, daily news, and blackjack guides.

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