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The Troma Shop » Home


The Troma Shop is the official online store of Troma Entertainment, Inc. With almost 40 years of experience, Troma is perhaps the longest running independent movie studio in United States history. In addition to commercial success, Troma enjoys a wealth of critical appreciation, exemplified by Troma retrospectives sponsored by the Venice Film Festival, Cinemathèque Français, the British Film Institute, the American Film Institute and many others. After creating a new kind of sexy comedy in the 70’s and putting a new face on the movie superhuman hero in the 80’s with “The Toxic Avenger”, Troma continued to break new ground in the 90’s with quality, entertaining films. Following the millennium, The Troma Universe has emerged with theatrical success’ such as the musical “Poultrygiest, Night of the Chicken Dead” and Tromaville has entered the hearts of forward-looking people everywhere.

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Fab Food 4 All - No more drab food, only fab food!


Fab Food 4 All is a food blog where you'll find something for everyone! There are family friendly, economical dishes as well as dishes for the more adult palate which are more extravagant. You'll also find my prize winning jams which have become my trademark!

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