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Bryant Genealogy Home Page - including the ancestral lines of the townsend holbrook evans chapman morse jones trask pond thomas bushnell cook burdin daniel hill parker bates wight scott blake farrington partridge griswold stannard lay jordan rockwood thompson staples jenks hamant stevens lawrence fisher white learned conklin campbell meredith carpenter families


Home page for Don Bryant's genealogy research. Families came to West Michigan in the mid and late 1800's from Sweden, New York State, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. The New England branches are particularly well established, most back to the (colonial) beginnings of places like Dorchester, Medfield, Mendon, Dedham, Wrentham, Watertown and Bellingham in MA, Saybrook, New London, Lyme, Windsor, Guilford and Wethersfield, CT & Providence, RI. Also represented is my Swedish ancestry.

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