
Website information and statistics (IP-107-180-1-248.IP.SECURESERVER.NET)

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Geotherm USA - Home


Geotherm Inc., started out 28 years ago in Canada offering test instruments and services for the measurement and analysis of thermal parameters using state-of-the-art technology. These find applications in numerous fields where the knowledge of heat and mass transfer through natural as well as man-made materials is essential. The soil is of particular importance in view of the modern trend in utilizing the sub-surface for many purposes. Underground and submarine power cables, storage and containment of radioactive spent fuel, and the utilization of earth energy for space heating and cooling via ground-coupled heat pumps are prime examples where this knowledge of soil thermal properties is a must.



En El Salvador ¡Digitalizamos la verdad! Surgimos como medio de comunicación alternativo con un compromiso: comunicar la verdad con ética y honradez.

Leadership Speaker & Author David Horsager | Gain the Trust Edge


With leadership keynote speaker and author David Horsager, you'll discover how to build trust for a stronger bottom line and a more committed team.

HOME | Willi's Sausage Co.


Quality Meats, Cheese, & Sweets! At Willi's you will experience old world German hospitality and taste our authentic Bavarian recipes handed down by one of the best master sausage makers from Kassel, Germany.  Our products are made from only the finest ingredients.

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