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Hong Kong RECORDS 香港唱片 - a place for CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays & Games


Find the latest CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray, 3D Blu-ray, video games, accessories, book and magazines here in www.hongkongrecords.com.hk. We offer you latest and hottest Hong Kong, Asian and International CDs, CD singles, Music Video DVDs, classical and jazz albums, audiophile discs, CD singles. If you like movie, you can find the latest movie titles in different categories like Chinese, English, Foreign, Cartons & Animation, Documentary and even TV series in DVD, Blu-ray and 3D Blu-ray format. For gamers, all coolest games in Sony Playstation 3 (PS3, PSP and PS Vita), XBOX 360, Wii, Nintendo DS, 3DS, PC games, as well as console are available here. We also give you the latest exclusive promotion and discount offer in different music and movie titles. 在hongkongrecords.com.hk可找到最新的CD碟、DVD、藍光影碟、3D藍光影碟、電子遊戲、不同的配件產品,以及書籍及雜誌。香港唱片提供由本地至外國歌手及創作,古典音樂、發燒HiFi唱片、細碟等,均一應俱全。香港唱片同時亦提供DVD、藍光影碟、3D藍光影碟的中外電影、電視劇集、卡通影片及記錄片,亦提供最新最快的Sony Playstation 3 (PS3, PSP and PS Vita), XBOX 360, Wii, Nintendo DS, 3DS, PC遊戲光碟,在此亦可找到最新的獨家優惠及推廣。

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