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Get Mentored & funded faster. invest in startups


FHS is where the Startup meets mentors. Customers & investors: invest in early-stage startups. startups: find team members, angel investors and venture capital. | India can be located at the cusp of start-up development, when benchmarked against other countries which are progressing along various stages of start-up ecosystem development. Almost 1.5 million students graduate from engineering colleges every year, and a small but growing share of the graduates is considering starting up a business, with an idea. Although 120 designated technical incubators exist all over India, it is impossible for all the aspiring entrepreneurs to benefit from those. A virtual incubator can provide a complete ecosystem where a start-up can track its journey from idea to a business, and benefit from mentorship, curator-ship and investor attention. FHSIdealab has validated the virtual incubator model, with a participant base of nearly 1000 start-ups, mentors and investors. The incubator ecosystem is surveyed and a virtual incubator model is described. | The start-up ecosystem in India is restricted to pockets such as Bangalore, whereas the potential for innovation is spread across the length and breadth of India. Physical infrastructure comes with high upfront capital costs, which place downward pressure on the number of such institutions that can be built. In India, about 40 successful incubators and accelerators have been reported, including those set up with public funds and with private – corporate and philanthropic – funds. With each incubator managing an annual cohort usually in single-digit numbers, these incubators can at best serve a few hundred start-ups and innovators. | Start-up Ecosystem : The ingredients common to a successful start-up ecosystem have been identified succinctly as Technical Talent, Startup Mentors, Angel Investors, Corporate Early Adopters, High concentration of Innovators, Entrepreneurial Culture, Availability of Finance and Favourable Regulatory Environment. These are the elements that are available in the Silicon Valley and these are the features that entrepreneurial ecosystems elsewhere seek to replicate. | Virtual Business Incubator : Incubators have been defined to be organisations that are designed to support entrepreneurial companies during early stages, to help develop a scalable business model through an array of business support resources and services. Incubators help de-risk early-stage start-ups there by increasing overall start-up success rates. Start-ups in the incubation stage seek 5 ‘M’s: Money, Material, Manpower, Mentoring and Markets [CITE REFERENCE: NEN-GIZ REPORT, 2014]. In this list, “Material” refers mainly to technology, but also workspaces, laboratories, etc. | Overview of Startup Sprints by FHSIDEALAB : Startup sprints are a mix of high intensity Workshops & Real life experiments to accelerate your Startup to Market, mitigating risks in the process, 1. WHERE’S THE PONY? 2. WHERE’S THIS PONY HEADED? 3. TRAILBLAZING 4. PATHFINDING 5. ARE WE THERE YET? | What should your initial presentation to FHSIdealab cover? : 1. Cover slide 2. Team 3. What is the issue / pain point that your product / solution addresses 4. Product / Technology Overview 5. Business model 6. What is the size of the market opportunity? 7. Current traction 8. Competitive landscape 9. Financials current and projections 10. Funding needs, use of funds and proposed valuation 11. Current equity structure, fundraising history and investors 12. Exit options

Incubatehub - India's Largest Enterprising Talent discovery & mobilization platform


FHS is where the Startup meets mentors. Customers & investors: invest in early-stage startups. startups: find team members, angel investors and venture capital. | India can be located at the cusp of start-up development, when benchmarked against other countries which are progressing along various stages of start-up ecosystem development. Almost 1.5 million students graduate from engineering colleges every year, and a small but growing share of the graduates is considering starting up a business, with an idea. Although 120 designated technical incubators exist all over India, it is impossible for all the aspiring entrepreneurs to benefit from those. A virtual incubator can provide a complete ecosystem where a start-up can track its journey from idea to a business, and benefit from mentorship, curator-ship and investor attention. FHSIdealab has validated the virtual incubator model, with a participant base of nearly 1000 start-ups, mentors and investors. The incubator ecosystem is surveyed and a virtual incubator model is described. | The start-up ecosystem in India is restricted to pockets such as Bangalore, whereas the potential for innovation is spread across the length and breadth of India. Physical infrastructure comes with high upfront capital costs, which place downward pressure on the number of such institutions that can be built. In India, about 40 successful incubators and accelerators have been reported, including those set up with public funds and with private – corporate and philanthropic – funds. With each incubator managing an annual cohort usually in single-digit numbers, these incubators can at best serve a few hundred start-ups and innovators. | Start-up Ecosystem : The ingredients common to a successful start-up ecosystem have been identified succinctly as Technical Talent, Startup Mentors, Angel Investors, Corporate Early Adopters, High concentration of Innovators, Entrepreneurial Culture, Availability of Finance and Favourable Regulatory Environment. These are the elements that are available in the Silicon Valley and these are the features that entrepreneurial ecosystems elsewhere seek to replicate. | Virtual Business Incubator : Incubators have been defined to be organisations that are designed to support entrepreneurial companies during early stages, to help develop a scalable business model through an array of business support resources and services. Incubators help de-risk early-stage start-ups there by increasing overall start-up success rates. Start-ups in the incubation stage seek 5 ‘M’s: Money, Material, Manpower, Mentoring and Markets [CITE REFERENCE: NEN-GIZ REPORT, 2014]. In this list, “Material” refers mainly to technology, but also workspaces, laboratories, etc. | Overview of Startup Sprints by FHSIDEALAB : Startup sprints are a mix of high intensity Workshops & Real life experiments to accelerate your Startup to Market, mitigating risks in the process, 1. WHERE’S THE PONY? 2. WHERE’S THIS PONY HEADED? 3. TRAILBLAZING 4. PATHFINDING 5. ARE WE THERE YET? | What should your initial presentation to FHSIdealab cover? : 1. Cover slide 2. Team 3. What is the issue / pain point that your product / solution addresses 4. Product / Technology Overview 5. Business model 6. What is the size of the market opportunity? 7. Current traction 8. Competitive landscape 9. Financials current and projections 10. Funding needs, use of funds and proposed valuation 11. Current equity structure, fundraising history and investors 12. Exit options

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