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Welcome to Dr. Roy Medical Hall, our specialties are scientific therapy, counseling and non-surgical solution for all kinds of sexual problems


Dr. Roy Medical Hall is the first online consultation service provider in Calicut, Kerala, India, for Sexual Problems with Unani Herbal Medicine: - Absolute Cure For Sexual Weakness or Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Erection Impotence, Male and Female Infertility, Venereal Diseases, Nocturnal Emission, Excessive Masturbation due to addiction of Pornography, Leucorrhoea, or White Discharge, Low Sex Libido, Female Sexual Arousal Disorder, Female Orgasmic Disorders, and all Private Diseases of Male and Female, Our goal is to restore a Healthy Physical and Emotional Outlook to the patient and his partner using the brilliant medicinal asset of Unani Herbal Medicine and consequently improve their ultimate satisfaction with successful treatment

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