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PEC Safety | Contractor Management, Pre-Qualification, Safety Training, SafeLandUSA, SafeGulf


PEC Safety is an industry leading safety company that provides standardized safety and skills training and an online technology platform, for reporting and measuring safety information from contractor to operator. Since our inception in 1993, we have worked to make our industry safer. Over 750,000+ workers have been trained by over 2800+ PEC authorized instructors. Over 60+ operators manage 27,000+ contractors on our Standardized Contractor Management Platform (the SSQ). Our most used training products, PEC Basic Orientation and Core Compliance programs, are accredited by both SafeLandUSA and SafeGulf, and are required or accepted by most major and independent oil and gas operators in the Gulf of Mexico and on land in the United States. This wide adoption allows an employee to complete our training programs and gain access to oil and gas platforms without having to repeat redundant training they have already received elsewhere (saving both time and money). By using our standardized safety information platform a contractor company can complete our online questionnaire once and “release” to multiple operators; instead of completing a safety questionnaire for each of their customers.

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