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Shadow Boxes


A.B. Honto Co. Established in 1989 by a Master Chief Petty Officer in the U.S. Navy, presently owned and operated by a USMC veteran. We've brought together the finest materials to protect your finest treasures. We've supported numerous military commands and organizations including the White House and the Pentagon. We are honored to have been recognized by the U.S. Navy Memorial Foundation for our display cases and we are proud to have them on the quarterdecks and in historical centers around the world. Every case is hand crafted from real wood and real glass. You can choose a traditional shadow box or bring your own custom design for one of life's special accomplishments. Odd sizes, shapes, nontraditional items such as clothing, awards and trophies are welcomed. We use the highest quality construction techniques and materials. Our products are finished with water base environmentally safe finishes and buffed to a smooth furniture quality sheen. We make our cases with great care and pride because what you put in them deserves it.

The Tech Blog


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Home - Flying Machine Studios


Adventures in making stuff with Daniel Higginbotham

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