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Home: Cities for Tomorrow



NYT Conferences


The New York Times conferences bring together national and global leaders to deepen understanding of vital topics, advance innovative solutions to major challenges and provide new opportunities for businesses. In panel discussions, interactive debates and high-level networking, we address a wide range of issues: from higher education, finance and technology to food, energy and the luxury market.

Home: Athens Democracy Forum 2017



International Luxury Conference · NYT Conferences


<div>Hosted and moderated by New York Times fashion director, Vanessa Friedman, and award-winning New York Times journalists, the International Luxury Conference addresses the most critical challenges — and unexpected opportunities — in today’s luxury battlefield.<br><br></div><div>Rigorous analysis and lively cross-border debate among top C.E.O.s, prestigious economists, technology mavericks, entertainment and sports icons, and artists will provide crucial insights, fresh ideas and new strategies for winning the hearts and minds of luxury consumers.<br><br></div><div>​To participate in this unprecedented event — where you will join interactive sessions led by global experts, dine in the spectacular Chateau de Versailles and connect with luxury influencers from around the world.</div> <style> section.module div.carousel div.luxury-carousel-cta { display:none; } </style>

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