
Website information and statistics

A total of 6 sites are hosted on
Here are the first 5 as they would appear when searched for:

Home - Civitas Learning


By building a community of forward-thinking higher education institutions, Civitas Learning brings together the best of education technology, design thinking, insight and action analytics, and data science in its mission to help a million more college students learn well and finish strong.

S3 Media Maestro - Amazon S3 Secure Video


S3 Media Maestro is an audio and video player that works hand in hand with Amazon S3 to secure your video's with link encryption and link expiration.

WP Courseware - WordPress Learning Management System


WP Courseware is a learning management system for WordPress that allows you to publish a course in a matter of minutes. It's as easy as drag and drop!

Home - Civitas Learning


By building a community of forward-thinking higher education institutions, Civitas Learning brings together the best of education technology, design thinking, insight and action analytics, and data science in its mission to help a million more college students learn well and finish strong.

Rocky Ridge Retirement Community in Calgary, Alberta


Rocky Ridge Retirement Community is a grand address with a friendly, personal touch. Pathways wind throughout the neighbourhood and spectacular Rocky Mountain views rise up from the horizon.

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