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Eric Jackson Revenue Stamps


Eric Jackson has been buying and selling revenue stamps since 1970. We specialize in revenue stamps of the United States and Possessions, Taxpaids, State Revenues, Canada revenues, AMG revenues, U.S. and Canada Telegraph stamps, U.S. Local Post stamps, Revenue Stamped Paper, and much more. We also maintain an inventory of philatelic literature pertaining to revenue stamps of the world. We invite you browse our online inventory, which is the largest and most comprehensive in the world. If you don't find what you are looking for, please let us know and we will attempt to locate it for you. Our online auction may also be of interest to you. Every three weeks we offer over 200 lots of U.S. revenues and many other interesting items as well as occasional world revenue stamps. We are members of the American Revenue Association, State Revenue Society, American Stamp Dealers Association, American Philatelic Society, Collectors Club New York, The Revenue Society, and many other philatelic organizations.

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