
Website information and statistics (ALUMNICHANNEL.NET)

A total of 6 sites are hosted on
Here are the first 5 as they would appear when searched for:

Engage Alumni and Your Membership, Online! | Alumni Channel


Alumni Channel works with schools, districts, education foundation, dioceses, and alumni associations (and other non-profits) to foster better alumni relations through online alumni communities. Our communities have features such as profiles, news updates, alerts, online payments, message boards, photo galleries and more, and are built specifically for your organization. Each community gives alumni a place to register, keep contact information up-to-date, find and communicate with each other, and at the same time see and receive the news and announcements you want them to see.

Engage Alumni and Your Membership, Online! | Alumni Channel


Alumni Channel works with schools, districts, education foundation, dioceses, and alumni associations (and other non-profits) to foster better alumni relations through online alumni communities. Our communities have features such as profiles, news updates, alerts, online payments, message boards, photo galleries and more, and are built specifically for your organization. Each community gives alumni a place to register, keep contact information up-to-date, find and communicate with each other, and at the same time see and receive the news and announcements you want them to see.

Paulsboro High School Alumni (Paulsboro, New Jersey): Official Alumni Website


Paulsboro High School Alumni - Paulsboro, New Jersey. Plan reunions, find old friends, get the latest information, contact alumni, message boards, photos, event updates and more.

St. Anthony Village High School Alumni Association (St. Anthony Village, Minnesota): Official Website for SAVHS Alumni to Connect


St. Anthony Village High School Alumni Association - St. Anthony Village, Minnesota. Official Website for SAVHS Alumni to Connect. Plan reunions, find old friends, get the latest information, contact alumni, message boards, photos, event updates and more.

Massachusetts Maritime Academy Alumni Association (Official Alumni Website):  


Massachusetts Maritime Academy Alumni Association - Official Alumni Website.  . Plan reunions, find old friends, get the latest information, contact alumni, message boards, photos, event updates and more.

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