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We offer FREE Counselling Services face-to-face in Bengaluru, India, and FREE online counselling by email worldwide. Through our Classroom Diploma Course in Counselling Skills and Online Diploma Course in Counselling Skills, Banjara Academy's team of counsellors shares over 30 years of experience in counselling psychology, relationships, human behaviour. We conduct a unique, holistic and personalized Aptitude Test with career guidance and career counselling by experienced career counsellors.


Banjara Academy offers a classroom diploma course in counselling psychology and an online diploma course in counseling psychology. Our veteran counsellors share with you their over 30 years of experience in counselling, human behavior and relationships, teaching you in-depth counseling skills to be a counsellor. Our courses in life skills help you improve your communication skills, creative thinking, critical thinking, decision making, etc. and manage emotions such as anger, manage stress, We also offer career counselling with unique holistic and personalized aptitude test, free online counselling by email, free counselling in person.

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