
Website information and statistics (WWW.INTERACTIVEWEBTECHNOLOGY.COM)

A total of 2 sites are hosted on
Here are the first 5 as they would appear when searched for:

Oak Park Association Website


The Board of Directors is comprised of nine area homeowners who are interested in maintaining residential standards, property values and quality of life. OPHA Board Members are volunteers and not compensated for their service to the community. Located in Johnson County Kansas, the Oak Park Homes Association (OPHA) is a not-for-profit corporation comprised of 2342 homes in nine subdivisions, spanning both the Overland Park and Lenexa city lines in Kansas. The subdivisions that comprise OPHA are: Aspen Hills Oak Park Manor Oak Park, Lenexa  Oak Park, Overland Park Oakview Estates  Oakview Place Oakwood Estates Quivira Meadows Summerfield Check out https://www.facebook.com/OakParkHomesAssociation - the association Facebook page for day to day events and happenings.

Milhaven Homes Association Website


Nestled in the heart of Kansas City, the neighborhood of Milhaven is a safe, quiet urban sanctuary of quality homes.

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