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Mold Making & Casting Supplies | Molding & Casting Materials | Make Silicone Molds, Rubber Molds, Plastic Molds, Urethane Molds, Foam Molds | Silicone | Rubber | Plastic | Resins | foam | Polyurethane | Urethane | Liquid Plastic | Molds | Casting | Cast | Molding | Polymer | Moldmaking | MoldMaker | Maker


Alumilite Corporation manufactures Mold Making & Casting Materials and Supplies. Mold Making - Make silicone molds, rubber molds, plastic molds, urethane molds. Epoxy, Resins, Silicone, Plastics, Rubbers, Foam, Polyurethane, Liquid plastic materials to make molds of anything you want. Two-component molding & casting materials. Alumilite products are used on auto restoration, auto repair, hobbies, crafts, school crafts, woodturning, rapid prototyping, 3D Printing, thermo forming, vacuum forming, making fishing lures, making rock climbing holds, medical devices production and much more. silicone molding, urethane, moldmaking, casting mold, cast molding, plastic mold, plastic molds, cast mold, rubber molds, moldmaking supplies, cast plastic, silicone cast, mold casting, casting urethanes, Casting Resins

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