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Home | IJAMinecraft


I'm a Minecrafter, who creates a large variety of command block concepts and even some adventure maps. Sometimes. Okay, I'm not a very active map maker, but I did some in the past. If you know \"SquareBlocks\" and \"CubicBlocks\", these are by me. I'm also a very active YouTuber and I upload new concepts on my channel at least once every week. If I should name one thing, that makes my channel special, it's probably the \"Only-One-Command\" - concept. I create a lot of machines and concepts, you can just simply put into your world by copying and pasting a single command into a command block. Simple and efficient! Just to name a view, I created a generator for villages, cities and mountains as well as a Herobrine Boss Monster in just one command block! And well, that's mostly all about me. If you have any other questions, just check out my FAQ or write a comment under one of my videos! See you all!

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