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​Home | Equity Gain


Equity Gain Pty Ltd was founded for a wealth of expertise in the investment property and finance industry. It is the intention of the team at Equity Gain to assist their clients to a wealthy retirement through investment property and good sound financial structures allowing our clients to rapidly repay their home mortgage whilst building additional income streams through property investment. How many properties would you have bought 10 - 15 years ago knowing now what property prices have achieved? It not too late to get started. Anyone with an income and some equity or cash can at the very least position themselves to buy an investment property. You do not need to start on Toorak Road in Melbourne for your first investment. Our strategies are based on an increase in your income (the rent) and we include this additional money into your home mortgage to reduce the debt faster. This strategy allows the growth from both properties over time coupled with the additional cash flow assisting you to pay off your non tax deductible debt being your own home. Call us today to see how we can assist you!

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