
Website information and statistics (STARGATE.BENSE.COM)

A total of 7 sites are hosted on
Here are the first 5 as they would appear when searched for:

BENSE .COM Internet-Services - BENSE 1step2web-Tools, Webcheck, Webhosting, Webtuning by BENSE.COM - Dortmund


Tools for instant e-solutions: 1step2web eignet sich besonders fü r den Ausbau vorhandener Web-Prä senzen. Dabei kö nnen vorgegebene Layouts und Designs als Format-Vorlagen direkt ü bernommen werden.

Ontology4 - Next Generation Ontology System


ontology4.us:2017-05-12: About Ontology4 This website is about ontologies and compares systems for the creation of ontologies and expert system knowledge. Ontology4.us by itself is such an approach. It enhances traditional ontology systems by a number of new concepts like taxoverbies and a more specific graphical notation. With the Ontology4 Browser concepts can be very easily searched and visualized. Also a set of propositions is under development to allow for a more precise and restrictive use of terminology. The main target is to d...

neu - [B2B] Business-Network


- Quelle: B2B.to

neu - [B2B] Business-Network


- Quelle: B2B.to

Open Ontology > Building Ontologies together


ontology4.us:2016-11-24: About OpenOntology.net / myOntology.net This platform has been created to allow users to work on application ontologies and top level ontologies. It can be used also as a test bed to experiment and to discuss general issues of ontology design and development. Registered users can edit and visualize their ontological knowledge in their on workspace. If you want to participate please send an e-mail to [email protected]. The german homepage of the project and a manual can be found here. You might also be interested...

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