
Website information and statistics (WWW.VOMCLASSROOM.COM)

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VOM Classroom


Important Update Dr. Roy Stults, VOM Classroom administrator, has retired. We appreciate Dr. Stults’s faithful service in pioneering VOM Classroom several years ago. He has faithfully served by creating new courses, uploading the class materials and administrating this unique online classroom. Perhaps you have even had the privilege of interacting with Dr. Stults, whose expertise in the classroom spans several decades and continents. The current classes on this website will be available until June 30, 2017. So if you are currently working on a class, we encourage you to complete it by this date. After June 30, the classes will not be accessible. VOM is planning to relaunch VOM Classroom in the future. We will be happy to notify you when we are ready to relaunch. Thank you for being a part of this special online class! Olive Swan VOM Classroom Moderator [email protected] Posted January 9, 2017

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