
Website information and statistics (WWW.VOMCANADA.COM)

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i am n: Highlighting Christian Persecution Around the World - The Voice of the Martyrs Canada


The Voice of the Martyrs Canada is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to helping, loving and encouraging persecuted Christians worldwide. The ministry provides suffering believers assistance in a vast variety of ways – through the provision of medical assistance, safe shelter, food, clothing, educational training, as well as the distribution of effective evangelistic tools (Bibles, literature and radio/television broadcasts). By giving their testimony a voice, VOMC also serves to raise national awareness and greatly needed prayer support. Our mission is to glorify God by serving His persecuted church, fulfilling the words of Hebrews 13:3.

The Voice of the Martyrs Canada - Home


The Voice of the Martyrs Canada is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to helping, loving and encouraging persecuted Christians worldwide. The ministry provides suffering believers assistance in a vast variety of ways – through the provision of medical assistance, safe shelter, food, clothing, educational training, as well as the distribution of effective evangelistic tools (Bibles, literature and radio/television broadcasts). By giving their testimony a voice, VOMC also serves to raise national

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