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RCC Amazing Touch International, Inc. is a duly recognized and Securities & Exchange Commission registered company in the Philippines. The company was established in March 13, 1997 under the business name RCC Amazing Touch International, Inc. as a company that provides non-surgical treatment and removal of warts, moles, xanthelasma, syringoma, millia and other skin growths. RCC Amazing Touch International, Inc. proudly uses the world-acclaimed inventions of Rolando C. Dela Cruz, world-class Filipino inventor, which garnered awards and recognitions for inventions in the Philippines, United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany, Russia and neighboring countries in Asia. The company is also the sole producer and manufacturer of creams for the treatment and removal of warts (Dewart cream), moles (Demole cream), syringoma (Desyringoma cream), genital warts (DeGen cream), and other creams for the treatment of other skin conditions. The company through inventor Dela Cruz is also the pioneer and sole producer and manufacturer of DeBCC, a cream for the treatment of basal cell carcinoma, a type of skin cancer.

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