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Ceramic Supplies, Tools & Equipment from Alligator Clay


We at Alligator Clay Company/Southern Pottery Equipment & Supplies LLC are proud to present our online catalog! Inside you will find many new items and we have included color charts for clay and glazes. Our crowning achievement has been the development of our own clay mixing facilities. We now produce a distinguished line of high quality moist, de-aired clay bodies under the auspices of Alligator Clay Company. We have an extensive selection of clay bodies to suit all tastes and needs, and we are able to mix custom orders (though a minimum amount is required). Because we mix our clay right on the premises, we are able to offer our line of clay at very competitive prices. With our new location and the creation of Alligator Clay Company in addition to providing ceramic materials and equipment of the highest quality, we are sure that Southern Pottery Equipment & Supplies is more able than ever to cater to the needs of all ceramists. We hope you enjoy this catalog and we look forward to serving you.

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