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Massa Natural Meats - 100% Grass-fed Beef & Lamb, Pasture-raised Pork & Chicken


Massa Natural Meats: grass-fed beef, grass-fed lamb, and pasture-raised heritage pork, pasture-raised chicken grown in the valley and foothills of Northern California.The Massa’s operate a multi-species farm with cattle, horses, sheep, & pigs, raised naturally on pasture using sustainable farming practices. We are truly a family operation. Duane & Wendy personally take a hands-on role with every aspects of the business from breeding & raising, to customer-service, marketing & shipping. Through selective breeding and careful range management, we are uniquely creating a group of animals that have become a healthy and sustainable alternative to factory farm practices. We did this for a love of the lifestyle, the outdoors, the animals, and to support our ancestral diet by producing quality natural meats that you just can’t find in a store. From our family to yours, we look forward to sharing our healthy, flavorful, tender meats we’re sure you’ll enjoy!

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