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Ahlstrand Marine


Ahlstrand Marine has been in the boating business for over 40 years. We are located in Mundelein, IL (about 30 miles north of Chicago). We specialize in small pontoon boats (gas or electric powered), pedal boats, and the new pedal powered pontoon boat. Our retail accessory store boasts multiple aisles and houses 1,000's of different items. Our parts department is even larger and is home to over 8,500 different motor parts, including many hard to find parts for older motors. We also have a big online presence by selling a large assortment of boats, motors, trailers, and accessories on eBay. We have over 25,000 positive feedbacks with a feedback rating of 99.8% positive. As you can see by our feedback rating our #1 goal is a satisfied customer. Our online store is filled with great deals and will continue to grow week by week. Selling boats and accessories isn't the only thing we do here at Ahlstrand Marine. We also have a full service center that employs factory trained technicians that are ready to repair almost any boat, motor, or trailer that you may have. Our fenced storage yard also provides both winter storage as well as in-out storage for the summer months.

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