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Mitchell Instruments® Lowest Price-High Quality Test Equipment - Mitchell Instrument Company


mitchell instruments, Mitchell Instrument Co. Inc. is a distributor of electrical test and measurement equipment including megohmmeters, power quality analyzers, cable locators, gas monitoring, insulated tools, and personal protective equipment for arc flash protection. Other instrumentation areas include calibrators, temperature and humdidity, HVAC, liquid and air flow meters, ultrasonic thickness gauges and much, much more inlcuding calibration and NIST calibration services from a ISO/IEC 17025 accredited calibration laboratory.

Mitchell Instruments® Lowest Price-High Quality Test Equipment - Mitchell Instrument Company


mitchell instruments, Mitchell Instrument Co. Inc. is a distributor of electrical test and measurement equipment including megohmmeters, power quality analyzers, cable locators, gas monitoring, insulated tools, and personal protective equipment for arc flash protection. Other instrumentation areas include calibrators, temperature and humdidity, HVAC, liquid and air flow meters, ultrasonic thickness gauges and much, much more inlcuding calibration and NIST calibration services from a ISO/IEC 17025 accredited calibration laboratory.

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