
Website information and statistics (WWW.DUESBERG.COM)

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Peter Duesberg on AIDS - Duesberg.com - HIV / AIDS research website for Peter H. Duesberg.


Infectious AIDS - Have We Been Misled? This is the official HIV/AIDS research from the University of California Berkeley, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology. This contains the written research works of Professor Peter H. Duesberg on the subject, as well as other scientists that support his views, such as Kary B. Mullis, and Professor Walter Gilbert - both Nobel prize winners (Kary Mullis won the 1993 Nobel Prize in chemistry for his invention of the polymerase chain reaction technique, for detecting DNA, which is used to search for fragments of HIV in AIDS patient. Walter Gilbert, professor in molecular biology, won the 1980 Nobel prize in chemistry. This outstanding site includes scientific papers, articles, and a full text search index.

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