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Remember The Persecuted


The work of Christian Freedom International centers around the words of Hebrews 13:3: "Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering."CFI believes that all able Christians have a responsibility to assist others in the Body of Christ who are living under the burden of harassment, imprisonment, torture, and martyrdom. We strive to raise awareness of the crisis surrounding the persecuted church by mobilizing Western Christians in prayer, advocacy, and action.CFI works in countries of intense persecution, where we have an established network of house churches, cell groups, and indigenous pastors. It is through these courageous Christians who willingly risk imprisonment or martyrdom that we are able to come to the aid of thousands of other suffering believers.CFI's projects assisting the persecuted church include establishment of schools and orphanages, and distribution of food, medicine, Bibles, and other relief supplies wherever it is needed.

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