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Welcome to AYOFOTO! - Share or Sell your Photo Portofolio


Snap, share, and make friends in this photography social media. Snap, sell, and make money by selling your stock photo. Be a photo agent, sell your friend's photos and earn commission. Grow your photography social network by adding friends and fans, write interesting topics in forum and blogs, sell and buy stuff at open market place, share interesting photography video, create photography event and invite all your friends. -- Agensi foto dan media komunitas fotografi. Anggota dapat menjual foto di ayofoto! dan juga dapat berjualan barang di bursa jual/beli, membaca dan mengunduh koleksi majalah fotografi/tutorial/brosur/portfolio, berbagi video fotografi, berinteraksi di blog/forum dan juga dapat mengumumkan acara fotografi di kalender acara.

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