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SlingerVille :: Slingin' Ink on Your Pink.


SlingerVille.com is the first social networking site in the world that fully encompasses and integrates everything related to tattoos! Every tattoo has a story behind it and we want to hear yours. Submit a photo or two of your tattoo and let us know who was the artist/shop that did the work and why you decided to get the tattoo in the first place. While you're at it, submit your tattoo artist within the featured artists section of our website.

SlingerVille :: Slingin' Ink on Your Pink.


SlingerVille.com is the first social networking site in the world that fully encompasses and integrates everything related to tattoos! Every tattoo has a story behind it and we want to hear yours. Submit a photo or two of your tattoo and let us know who was the artist/shop that did the work and why you decided to get the tattoo in the first place. While you're at it, submit your tattoo artist within the featured artists section of our website.

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