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Rad Tech CE, ASRT CE, ARRT CE, Category A Credits | eRADIMAGING


Fulfill Your ARRT CE Reporting Requirements, Access to 85+ ASRT approved ARRT Category A Credits at the most Cost-Effective price anywhere! Courses are accepted by ARRT, ARDMS, NMTCB, ARMRIT, CAMRT. Covering MRI, X-Ray, Ultrasound, Radiography, Mammography, Sonography, Computed Tomography, Imaging, nuclear medicine and much more. Rad Tech CE for nominal fee of only $24.95 per year with no hidden costs, no test fees, and no additional costs

Rad Tech CE, ASRT CE, ARRT CE, Category A Credits | eRADIMAGING


Fulfill Your ARRT CE Reporting Requirements, Access to 85+ ASRT approved ARRT Category A Credits at the most Cost-Effective price anywhere! Courses are accepted by ARRT, ARDMS, NMTCB, ARMRIT, CAMRT. Covering MRI, X-Ray, Ultrasound, Radiography, Mammography, Sonography, Computed Tomography, Imaging, nuclear medicine and much more. Rad Tech CE for nominal fee of only $34.95 per year with no hidden costs, no test fees, and no additional costs

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