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Social Networking platform for technology wizards | Mepits


Mepits is a Social Networking platform for technology wizards.As a tech wizard, a student or an enthusiast, you would be slogging through 'n' number of sites to dig up the right stuffs. It is not easy to find the right hit from the clutter. MEPITS, the new juncture, have everything that needs to abate the craving for know-how. Unlike all other resource sharing and branding platforms, Mepits is a perfect blend of all the finest elements. Enable the users to droop into personal branding and scale beyond that, with the pick to create, publish and subscribe projects and craft company pages. Mepits assure a balanced experience for any user. With the add-ons like online store, tutorials, discussion forum, help center, support function, jobs etc. it serves as a one point destination for organizations, professionals and students.

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