
Website information and statistics (CP26.DELUXEHOSTING.COM)

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The Duo Dishes



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Rose Rosetree: Aura Reading, Empath Skills, Face Reading, Cut Cords of Attachment


A leader in the field of reading auras, Rose Rosetree offers books, personal mentoring, and sessions of emotional and spiritual healing, offering easy aura reading techniques, aura and chakra readings from regular photos, more detailed than psychic readings from Kirlian photos about aura colors. Aura healing includes cutting cords of attachment, with 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment and a how-to book for do-it-yourself cutting cords. Training empaths, this website helps highly sensitive persons who are born empaths to develop empath skills. As a skilled empath, you can stop suffering, gain emotional balance, and answering your questions about 'Who I really am.' Emotional healers, energy healers, psychics, body workers, and spiritual healers can all benefit from learning empath skills and how to cut cords of attachment. Low-cost face readings, reading faces, physiognomy instruction, and accurate character readings are available with personal sessions available with a master who has taught the ancient art on five continents. For emotional and spiritual healing, Rose Rosetree offers hypnotism, past-life regression in metro Washington D.C./Virginia. She is a fully qualified practitioner and member of NGH and IAART. Media interviews with Rose Rosetree have been successful ways to help the public learn the truth about newsmakers and celebrities; she has done over 800.

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