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Pregnancy Medical Clinic – Pregnancy Assistance Center North (PACN) Spring, The Woodlands & Conroe, Texas – Womens Center


PACN is a non-profit pregnancy medical clinic that offers confidential services for women and men. We believe you deserve access to unbiased, client-centered care that is relevant, compassionate and accurate, particularly when facing an unplanned pregnancy or sexual health concern. These services are available at no cost to you. Our centers offer pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, pregnancy consultations and medically accurate information about all pregnancy options; however, we do not offer or refer for abortion services.

Home - Freedom Maids - Maid service offering cleaning services for Houston area


Freedom Maids is a family-owned cleaning service serving the Houston, Texas area focused on providing compassionate hoarding solutions..We offer experienced, reliable and friendly staff, all of whom are bonded for your protection. Our cleaning programs are customized to your needs and expectations.

Greenwood Insurance Group |


Founded in 1993, Greenwood Insurance Group provides unparalleled service along with innovative and diverse coverage options that reflect a mercurial market. Greenwood has adapted to economic and industry shifts, producing a steady stream of new products delivered with exemplary service. Our continuous success is the result of a close-knit team of experienced principals providing superior products and individual attention.

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