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Azeri Report is your source for news concerning Azerbaijan., Khadija Ismayilova: Those Shaking Hands with Dictators Responsible for Crackdown in Azerbaijan, Beyond Balcony-Rental Boom, Formula One Race Offers Few Rewards For Azerbaijanis, Hit by Oil Price Drop Azeri SOCAR tightens screws, Leases Out its DC Mansion, Unholy Alliance: Kleptocratic Authoritarians and their Western Enablers, Azerbaijan's “Celebrity” Political Prisoners Get Freedom First, Activists Say, Azerbaijan Takes Over Private University Linked To Turkish Cleric Fetullah Gulen, Azerbaijani TV Station Closed Over 'Interview' with Fetullah Gulen, Corruption on the Caspian: Fueling Aliyev’s Regime, Presidents Of Azerbaijan, Iran, And Russia Meet In Baku, Presidents of Azerbaijan, Iran, Russia, Meet, with Armenia in Background, Opposition Activist Natig Jafarli Accused of Receiving a NED Grant, Azerbaijani Activists Arrested in Run Up to Referendum on Expanding Presidential Powers, ‘New Wave of Reprisals’ Against Azerbaijani Opposition Party, Turkey-Style Pretext Used to Arrest Critic in Azerbaijan, Baku Court Keeping Natig Jafarli in Jail, Musavat Party's Report About Upcoming Constitutional Referendum in Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan's Economy Riding in the Breakdown Lane, Azerbaijan Releases Opposition Activist Ahead Of Key Referendum, Azerbaijani Opposition Holds Rally to Protest Against Constitutional Referendum, Azerbaijan: Do Human Rights Matter? Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Hearing, Azerbaijan’s Constitutional Referendum Creates Crisis of Legitimacy, Heaping on the caviar diplomacy, Hundreds Of Azerbaijani Opposition Supporters Rally In Baku, Azerbaijani Official Rejects Criticism Of Proposed Constitutional Changes, Azerbaijan's Constitutional Changes “at odds with European constitutional heritage”, Voting Ends In Azerbaijan's Constitutional Referendum, Opposition Musavat Party Released Preliminary Report on Azerbaijan's Constitutional Referendum, National Council Refuses to Recognize Legitimacy of Azerbaijan's Constitutional Referendum, Pope Francis Visits Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan's Civil Society Introduces New List of Political Prisoners, Human Rights Watch: Relentless Crackdown on Critics in Azerbaijan, Washington panel discusses Azerbaijan's dirty money in the context of U.S. national security, Human Rights Watch Demands Immediate Release of Imprisoned Pro-Democracy Activist in Azerbaijan, Ten-Year Prison Sentence for Azeri Pro-Democracy Youth Activist's Anti-Government Graffiti, November 2, 2016: Below is the final speech of the imprisoned Azerbaijani pro-democracy activist Giyas Ibrahimov which he gave during his trial on October 25, 2016. Giyas Ibrahimov was arrested on trumped-up drug possession charges after he painted anti-regime graffiti on the statue of Heydar Aliyev, the late president of Azerbaijan and the father of the incumbent president of Azerbaijan. Despite the insistence of the judge of the local Azerbaijani court, Giyas Ibrahimov refused to defend himself against the fabricated drug charges and delivered a political speech instead. The prosecutor demanded a nine-year sentence for Giyas Ibrahimov. Anvar Seyidov, presiding judge, made it a ten-year sentence to show his extra loyalty to the Aliyev regime. Below is the translation of the full text of Giyas Ibrahimov's final speech at his trial, Could the Aliyev Government Have Access to a Clinton White House?, EU Foreign Ministers Approve Mandate For New Azerbaijan Pact, EU Calls for Azerbaijan to Meet Its Commitments on Human Rights, Another Top Level US Diplomat Joins Foreign Company Immediately After Leaving His Position, Belarus President Arrives In Baku For Two-Day Visit, Drain this Swamp! What happens when top U.S. peace negotiator in Caucasus becomes Putin’s apologist?, Azerbaijani Embassy To Host Hannukah Celebration At Trump Hotel In Washington

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