
Website information and statistics (190-1.CIVICPLUS.COM)

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Building Framingham | Town of Framingham, MA Official Website


The Town of Framingham has embarked on an extensive capital improvement program of its critical infrastructure systems – roadways and traffic management, water distribution, wastewater collection and stormwater conveyance. Major portions of these vital systems have exceeded their life expectancy, are prone to failure, require excessive operation and maintenance support and consume unnecessarily large quantities of energy. In addition, regulatory requirements mandate many of these necessary upgrades. The goals of this program include maintaining regulatory compliance, improving system condition and reliability and reducing energy consumption. The CIP will be fully coordinated with other Town, State and private projects to maximize cost effectiveness. Construction work, particularly of this magnitude, can be disruptive. We ask for your patience and are committed to doing everything possible to minimize these impacts.

IIS Windows Server



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