
Website information and statistics (WORLDWIDERUNNING.COM)

A total of 2 sites are hosted on
Here are the first 5 as they would appear when searched for:

Half the distance, double the fun! | HalfMarathon.net


Half the distance, double the fun - HalfMarathon.net is a running website entirely dedicated to the half marathon distance. The runners passionate for the 13.1 miles (or 21.097 km) distance will find the lates news, training plans and a comprehensive worldwide calendar of half marathon races.

You run this website. Write it, change it, read it! | WorldwideRunning.com


Along with safety information for runners, an illustrated collection of suggestions on where to run in all the seven continents, running articles and stories, running-related humor, software, news and more, you will find a Wiki section open to your own running content. WorldwideRunning.com is a website that also allows any runner to write and edit the content of its pages. It is an online collaboration tool created and managed by runners.

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