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Care Link Advantage - Medical Care Systems for Independent Living


Care Link Advantage provides services and products including on-line monitoring, notification, video cameras, motion detectors and other sensors, alarms, so as to allow sons, daughters, caregivers to monitor aging or elderly seniors, retirees, or others with special needs, down syndrome, disabilities, illness,alzheimers, poor health or sickness, to continue to live independently and safely in their own homes instead of nursing homes, long term care facilities, extended care or other types of assisted living facilities.

Care Link Advantage - Medical Care Systems for Independent Living


Care Link Advantage provides services and products including on-line monitoring, notification, video cameras, motion detectors and other sensors, alarms, so as to allow sons, daughters, caregivers to monitor aging or elderly seniors, retirees, or others with special needs, down syndrome, disabilities, illness,alzheimers, poor health or sickness, to continue to live independently and safely in their own homes instead of nursing homes, long term care facilities, extended care or other types of assisted living facilities.

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