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World Music Festival in New Plymouth | WOMAD


WOMAD - World of Music, Arts and Dance - the world's festival is happening right here in New Zealand/Aotearoa 17-19 March 2017. This international festival brings together artists from all over the globe for a vibrant showcase of the world's many forms of music, arts, and dance. It all takes place in the stunning TSB Bowl of Brooklands in New Plymouth which is frequently described by visitors and performers as one of the most beautiful venues in the world. Featuring six stages delivering 30 hours of entertainment over three days, WOMAD is unlike any other festival because of the wider experiences on offer. The Global Village is home to a world-wide range of international arts, craft and cuisine stalls. Kidzone offers a free creative and interactive programme for festival-goers aged 12-years and under. Free interactive workshops and cooking demos by some of the artists are also popular highlights of the festival. The site decorations and installations are the icing on what is a truly slick and vibrant affair. The legendary, unique, and friendly atmosphere of WOMAD simply has to be experienced to be believed.

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