
Website information and statistics (RESELLER4.HRWEBSERVICES.NET)

A total of 4 sites are hosted on
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CoG Online


CoG is a community of TCG/CCG (Trading Card Game/Collectible Card Game) gamers of all kinds, Magic: The Gathering, The Vs. System, World of Warcraft, Universal Fighting System and even Pokemon, but predominantly we draw gamers of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG. Unlike most forums on the subject, we're comprised mostly of the older set or simply more mature people who play the game, including a number of official tournament judges and fathers and sons who use the game as a form of bonding. We were originally based on the Netrep.net website (an online database of official rulings for the game), and still draw our primary membership due to our continued association with it, including hosting it's support forums, as well as support forums for the companion free software Deck Studio and RONIN (AKA The YGO Toolkit). In keeping with the gaming theme, we include forums for all the major video game consoles as well as PC gaming, a flash arcade and integrated forum games, as well as an Writer's and Artists Gallery for our member's

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