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Tom Swope Gallery | Hudson, NY | Early Chinese Buddhist Sculptures | Antiquities | Archaic Chinese Jades


Tom Swope Gallery deals in Antiquities from around the world: Greek and Roman Sculptures, Ancient Egyptian Art, Early Chinese Buddhist Sculptures, and Archaic Chinese Jades. All the objects are chosen carefully for their beauty, authenticity, and what they tell us about our common past. A dealer in New York for many years, Tom Swope sold to private art collectors, Museums and dealers and has a reputation for his eye, knowledge and integrity. The gallery also has jewelry inspired by antiquity, much of which is handmade by Tom Swope. Some pieces incorporate ancient gems and other elements, such as necklaces of ancient beads.




Lone Star Delivery and Process


A 24 Hour On Demand Courier, Delivery Service and Process Service Company, geared to meet the needs of clients throughout the entire State of Texas, with quality, on time, dependable service. We Provide Same Day Delivery Solutions for Legal, Medical, High Tech, Professional and light Industrial courier delivery, as well as Process Service needs for Law Firms, Corporate and Government clients.

NASA Vision Center


NASA Vision Center;

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