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Hollis - No Limit


Today, divers are demanding specialized product with higher technical features. Answering this request is Hollis; dive gear designed for leading divers. Founded in 2008, Hollis Gear represents the technical arm of the American Underwater Products family of companies. Our distribution includes over 400 dealers worldwide in over 50 different countries. Hollis brings innovation and engineering experience to the dive industry by designing the highest quality and most innovative scuba diving equipment available. Equipment designed to accommodate the beginning sport diver to the exploratory technical diver, using the most cutting edge materials and proven technologies for any condition.

Hollis - No Limit


Today, divers are demanding specialized product with higher technical features. Answering this request is Hollis; dive gear designed for leading divers. Founded in 2008, Hollis Gear represents the technical arm of the American Underwater Products family of companies. Our distribution includes over 400 dealers worldwide in over 50 different countries. Hollis brings innovation and engineering experience to the dive industry by designing the highest quality and most innovative scuba diving equipment available. Equipment designed to accommodate the beginning sport diver to the exploratory technical diver, using the most cutting edge materials and proven technologies for any condition.

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