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Bartlett Grain Company


Bartlett & Company is a family-owned company based out of Kansas City, founded in 1907.Bartlett-Grain Co., L.P., a division of Bartlett & Company, owns over 60 million bushels of elevator storage capacity along the Missouri River in Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska. We possess strong relationships with poultry and cattle feeding end-users in Arkansas and Texas. Bartlett Grain is an established results-oriented exporter with an office in the fast growing Mexican market and experience in container shipments. Bartlett-Cattle Co., L.P. owns two cattle feedlots, one in the Texas Panhandle and one in southwest Kansas. We offer years of trading experience into prime beef cattle markets. Bartlett-Milling Co., L.P. owns flour and feed mills in North Carolina and Kansas. Trading byproducts from these milling facilities has developed Bartlett Grain's network in the Southeastern swine and poultry markets.

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