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Blackburn's Physicians Pharmacy, LLC; BLACKBURN'S


As a provider of Home Medical Equipment since 1936, we are committed to your health care needs. Our staff of professionals will work with you to ensure you have the best equipment or supplies available to meet your needs in an environment that is safe for you and your family. Your health and well-being is important to all of us at BLACKBURN’S. What sets BLACKBURN’S apart from other providers? Our clinical-based programs and professional staff. To support our clinical-based programs, we employ industry experts such as Pharmacists, Respiratory Therapists, Assistive Technology Professionals (ATPs), Rehab Mobility Service Technicians, Wound Care Nurses, and Certified Environment Access Consultants. Our goal is to match your needs with the proper equipment and supplies that will allow you to continue your current activity level in your home. Everyone at BLACKBURN’S will work to see that all aspects of the care and service you receive are handled in a professional and efficient manner. You are encouraged to speak with them regarding any questions you have relative to your care. We look forward to making your experience with BLACKBURN’S a positive and productive one that will enhance your state of health.

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