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Teeth and health care


TOFU Tofu slices is coagulated soybean milk prepared from soybeans.Typically, tofu white color with a slight yellowish tinge, like vanilla ice cream.Unlike the West, where the tofu is not yet in vogue, slyvu useful, but tasteless product in Japan, it is extremely popular.For most cooks, including my mom, it serves as a substitute potatoes with meat and preparing hundreds of frets, delighting its taste.Among the merits of tofu should be noted rich content of proteins.It serves perfect replacement meat, poultry and seafood.Tofu is a good quality differs elusive, fresh taste with earthy shade.Tofu incredibly multifunctional product.It can be added to appetizers, soups, main dishes, condiments, desserts, and there are also pure warm or cold with different toppings. Gastrointestinal tract perfect defender body, but also its capacity is the limit.Sewage zabi vayut intestines and he no longer cope with the purification.And we, like madmen, shove a more and more useless and dangerous products.Total blockage becomes an inevitable mym., This state of things go, Put an end! 1 It is time to consciously and thoroughly cleaned I gastrointestinal tract and then I Prevent it from clogging new.W WHAT ELSE SHOULD KNOW BEFORE CLEANING.As acidity affects the execution FUNCTIONS GASTROINTESTINAL Hypoacidity Normal functioning of all organs of digestion depend sieves the level of acidity of the stomach and as a result, intestinal ka. Omelette with sy rum, mushrooms, tomatoes, peas, carrots.Dessert: orange.6 Day Breakfast cracked wheat with raisins and soy canLocke.Lunch a large fruit salad and dried fruit and hazelnuts sunflower seeds.Dinner chicken, baked with mushrooms, salad of carrots, cabbage and beans.Dessert: Tangerines.7 day Breakfast orange and grapefruit slices with nuts and raisins.Lunch vegetable soup, pita with a salad.Dessert: pear.Dinner minced lamb with carrots, peas and broccoli.Dessert: berries with cream.8 Day Breakfast mashed bananas and walnuts with toast.Dinner potatoes boiled in their skins, with sweet corn and bell peppers; watercress salad with slices of tomato and cucumber. What is your personal ideal weight Only that weight category in which you feel good.And there is no farfetched 90 60 90 for all people without exception.Each person has their own parameters: someone they more than anybody.That is why so absurd strive for a common standard for all.Featuring the same biblical diet you may well be able to achieve their personal ideal weight, to achieve and maintain, and therefore feel great.Chapter 1, our daily bread Give us In each bread hidden mercy of almighty God, wrote a Catholic saint Flyue Nikolaus 1417 148 Godfearing husband focused while on the religious aspect of the bread as a symbol of divine generosity. Fruit are particularly suited for Leo lemons, oranges, tangerines, pineapples, vegetables zucchini, garlic cereal rice.In addition, associated with the sign of Leo walnuts, sunflower seeds and olives nick.With this sign correlates well as tea, especially green.Spices for Lion: 1 I have a decade July 23August 2 tamarind, tarragon; 2 I have a decade 312 August anise, cloves, nutmeg s walnut, sage; Third decade August 1321 different kinds of peppers, coriandr, cumin, ginger, peppermint, horseradish and mustard.

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